Service and Repair
Committed to supporting our customers

Larson Systems is committed to supporting our customers. We are excited about our ability to offer our direct services and expertise to you here in our factory or in the convenience of your own facility. Being the designers and manufacturers, we are the best suited to calibrate, upgrade and provide suggestions about how to best use your LSI equipment.
On-site service offers minimum downtime and avoids potential damage during shipping, but if cost is a factor, we also offer service at LSI’s Minneapolis, MN factory. Our turnaround is usually one to two weeks, plus freight time. The tester will be returned freight collect or UPS prepay per LSI’s current shipping procedures.
Warranty Information
Product Warranty
Larson Systems Incorporated Product Warranty to the User
Warranty: The LSI Spring Testing Systems parts and labor are warranted against defects in material and workmanship to the consumer for a period of twelve months from the date of purchase.
This warranty covers all parts, except consumable items. It applies only to machines and accessories which have been installed and operated in accordance with instructions in our reference manuals, have not been tampered with in any way, misused, suffered damage through accident, neglect or conditions beyond our control and have been serviced only by authorized personnel.
Larson Systems Incorporated is not responsible for loss in operating performance due to environmental conditions, such as humidity, dust, corrosive chemicals, deposition of oil or other foreign matter, spillage or other conditions beyond our control. There are no other warranties expressed or implied, and Larson Systems Incorporated shall not be liable under any circumstances for incidental or consequential damage. Warranty service is conducted at LSI’s facilities in Minneapolis, MN. Return the tester freight prepaid during the warranty period, and Larson Systems Incorporated will make a warranty determination, repair and return the tester freight collect. Shipments sent collect will be rejected.
Service Warranty
Larson Systems Incorporated Service Warranty to the User
Warranty: The LSI service work parts and labor are warranted against defects in material and workmanship to the consumer for a period of 60 days from the date of purchase.
Service Capabilities
On-the-Spot Repairs
Replacement Parts
Software Updates
Preventative Maintenance
Tester Training
Frequently Asked Questions
What does it cost to send a Larson Systems technician to my plant?
Costs vary, depending on distance and mode of transportation. LSI tries, whenever possible, to schedule several service calls in an area. For example, if we schedule a calibration in Dayton, Ohio, we’ll try to schedule other appointments in the area, then divide the expenses between the three locations. All customers are billed an on-site calibration fee.
Help! I can’t be without my tester!
LSI to the rescue – we have testers you can rent while yours is here, from hand-operated models to automated, with capacities from 2 lbs. to 1,000 lbs.
What do you need to know about my tester?
Be sure to tell us about any problems you may be experiencing. Call us at 1-877-780-2131 ext. 106, or contact us via our Service Request form for a quote or to schedule your tester calibration.