UT Series Replacement Parts
Replacement Parts Guide
Stock parts and their corresponding replacement parts for the UT series testers

UT Series Motor Replacement

If your UT
has a 100 or 200 lb motor

Motor PN 025-1000-0173-03 (For UT 11)
Motor PN 025-1000-0173-04 (For UT 24)
Pulley PN 018-0000-1029-06
Support plate PN 018-0000-1028-01

If your UT
has a 550 lb motor

Motor PN 025-1000-0173-02 (For UT 11)
Motor PN 025-1000-0173-05 (For UT 24)
Pulley PN 018-0000-1029-05

If your UT
has a 1,000 lb motor

Motor PN 025-1000-0173-08 (For UT 11)
Motor PN 025-1000-0173-09 (For UT 24)
Pulley PN *CALL*
Plate PN *CALL*
UT Series Power Supply Replacement

If your UT
power supply looks like this

Power supply PN 025-1000-0406-00 (200 lb)
Power supply PN 025-1000-0406-02 (2,000 lb)
Power entry assembly PN 025-1000-0378-00
Support plate PN 018-0000-0173-03

If your UT
motor drive looks like this

Motor drive PN 011-3000-0003-00