The UTM can do everything the SSS can – plus, it exceeds it two-fold!
UTM Software
UTM (Universal Testing Manager Software) Software
UTM Software (Universal Testing Manager Software)
More Horsepower
The UTM can do everything the SSS can – plus, it exceeds it two-fold! First, the UTM communicates to the ST, UT and FLASH testers, the top-of-the-line motorized testers from LSI. You can program your test right at the computer or download any tests you already have stored on the UT.
UTM also comes with the ability to do “smart tests.” Create tests with conditional program flow, add variables to the test and perform calculations on results automatically. With conditional program flow, you can automatically scrag a spring that tests high, or immediately stop a test when it tests low. Now that’s smart testing!
Program Tests Offline
With UTM, you can program your tests before you even get to the tester. Don’t take up tester time trying to design the test, do it at your desk and let the tester keep working.
Included Demos
UTM comes with six included demos that can help you learn the UTM. Each demo focuses on different aspects of the UTM to help you start programming with it.
Backup Your UT
UTM has a backup function for the UT testers. This tool will scan the UT Memory Save/Retrieve memory and downloads any tests in that memory. Those tests can then be restored to the UT when needed. The tests are stored in UTM format so you could even edit the tests that were downloaded. Once the tests are on your computer, you can further back them up to an external disk or network drive.
UTM can generate the same graphical results the SSS can and it can also do Force vs Length graphs when using the LSI’s UT. Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE) and RS 232 communication with other test equipment is also the same as the SSS.